Gods Favored
Gods favored suffers the most although their blessings may
be fewer, there’re incomparable to the sum of many.
Satan’s deception often clouds the vision causing us to lose
sight of our savior. We’re never lost as our savior never loses sight of his
In the mist of your worst storm the belief in our savior gives
you calm within its midst.
No human soul can stand alone, it can try but it shall fall.
At the start it may win, but in the end, it shall lose.
Our lives are maneuvered through this world like pieces on a
chess board. Every move strategically planned.
You may not understand the reason for your trials, until you
have the strength to conquer your tribulations.
You may not receive all that you want, but the favored has
all that they need.
You ask how does one become favored? It’s simple just
Written by: Terrence Degree
© copyright 8/25/2018
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